Carina Claassens has been working as an artist & visual designer for the past 20 years. You can also visit and see the beautifully handcrafted ceramic pieces at Clay Cafe Nederland, Haarlo.  "Claassens creates works rooted in bold memories of a southern African childhood which reflect a deep spiritual reverence for nature, subtly contrasted in the delicacy possible in ceramic. Her feminism is a theme manifested exquisitely in both her functional and purely aesthetic creations. They conjure whimsy and a playful sense of the magical in the eye and heart of the viewer who is drawn to respond physically to the tactile quality of these transformative pieces." 

Upcoming Events: 

Kunstkring Ruurlo, Atelier Route 19 & 20 mei 2024 | KKR: De Smidse: ‘Kunst uit Berkelland’
5 juli t/m 24 augustus 2024, Galerie De Smidse, De Smidse 1, Ruurlo.

We are proud to announce that P.O.D.S: I, II, III 2024 have been selected to participate in the: South African Corobrik Ceramic Biennale in Johannesburg, that opens on the 14 September 2024.

Wijnhoeve Kunnenman, Geesteren, 15 September 2024

Borculo & Geestern Open Atelier Route, 12 & 13 October 2024